Manufacturing IT as a Service

A complete IT suite designed just for you, manufacturers 

Manufacturers are in the business of building and shipping. Anything that slows them down from keeping customers happy falls to the wayside. Manufacturers, we have great news! We’ve taken a complete suite of IT solutions and services and turned them into a single offering—one that’s custom-tailored to meet the unique needs of manufacturing firms. Meet Manufacturing IT as a Service (MITaaS™️) by Ozone!

MITaaS Engagement

We know manufacturing and IT, but we start every engagement by listening to your concerns, goals, and what would make you our happiest customer. MITaaS affordably tackles the biggest technical challenges you face.

24/7 Monitoring

Once your equipment and systems are installed, we monitor your hardware and software products around the clock. You pay by the user for this bundle and save on overhead capital in your technology investments.

The MITaaS touch

We take the stress out of IT planning, implementation, and management. We have taken into account the needs of office workers, executives, designers, plant floor workers, mobile or fork truck operators, sales team members, and users of conference rooms and HR information stations. If this sounds like your manufacturing business, then you’ll know this solution was designed just for you.

The benefit of our MITaaS offering is that it’s comprehensive, tested, reliable, and affordable. Tailored to your specific business and office needs, services and pricing are based on user type and quantity. That way, you get exactly what you need and not pay for anything more.

The Ozone difference

We have decades of IT experience in the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing IT as a Service evolved naturally from the unique needs of our customers. We created a single service offering that includes everything a manufacturing firm needs to support its ongoing productivity and growth. Get in touch today to discuss your unique needs or jump right to it and request a quote for MITaaS!*


Cloud means different things to different people. If by “cloud,” you mean “Would your data be stored in a data center?” then yes, cloud services are included in our offering. We take advantage of the cloud only in ways that are secure for your business. We do not put your data in the hands of people outside the US or Canada, or of people you don’t know. We make only limited use of public cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, or Google because the services we provide are purpose-built for manufacturing businesses. By placing your servers and data in our private cloud, we not only ensure the security of your infrastructure but also deliver the best server, desktop, printing, and security services for your business needs.

This problem is common throughout the US. First, we do whatever we can to ensure you either have or can get a reliable connection. Second, in our engagements, we back up every primary Internet connection with a secondary Verizon 4G/LTE Internet connection. If cell coverage in your area is poor, we can boost it with an additional antenna. If no Verizon 4G coverage is available, we’ll identify an alternative so that you’ll never have to go without a secondary Internet connection.

While we do have some hardware on-site for every one of our clients, if reliable Internet connectivity is nearly impossible to achieve—or if it’s economically unfeasible—then our Help Desk solution will also not be a good fit. However, we have found this to be the case in less than one in every thousand situations. The reason we provide our customers with data center-hosted services so frequently, is because they enjoy an extreme economy of scale. Another benefit is that we can ensure that in the case of a major disaster, such as a ransomware attack, we can roll the systems back to the state they were in prior to the attack within minutes. This requires a data storage device that costs more than $60,000 to keep on-premises. This cost is typically not feasible for individual small and midsized businesses. With all that said, if there are unique individual circumstances that require that hardware be solely on-premises, we’ll work together to find solutions that are supportable and effective.

Yes. We can work with you so that we’re only replacing hardware that is outdated or no longer supported. The costs of the hardware we offer, however, typically add only a few percentage points to the total costs of supporting a user or site. Because we’ve standardized our hardware and solutions, we have comprehensively tested how everything works together. That’s why we strongly prefer to stick with what we know works. In many cases, though, we can add a new operating system to old PCs in a way that transforms them into powerful thin client devices. That way you no longer face the security risks posed by Windows 7, and you can still save money by keeping the hardware you have.

Yes! We do. We maintain highly qualified technicians on our team near each customer’s location. We publish a “run book” internally so that our processes and configurations can easily be understood by all of our team members, including the newest ones. You will work with the same technician for onboarding and for ongoing support, if at all possible. They will not be the same person you’ll turn to for Help Desk support, but they will perform most of your on-site work.

No! Our pricing is flat-rate, based on the number of users and the types of users. Within the scope of what we outline in the MITaaS(™) agreement, there will be no price changes within the contract period. We do offer additional services besides what’s outlined in MITaaS(™), such as installing structured data cabling, wireless networks, or printers, adding new email solutions, or providing extra training.

Quite possibly. Let’s discuss what his or her strengths are. We often find service-sharing arrangements that work well. For instance, they may be able to focus on your business applications while we take over the help desk. It needs to be examined on a case-by-case basis.

Unfortunately, no. We offer mobile solutions as a convenience for MITaaS™ customers only. We find that when we offer highly reliable, best-of-breed services, we are putting our money where our mouth is. If the product ends up being less than optimal, we’ll pay for it in support costs. Therefore, these types of solutions are only offered in our complete service packages.

In this day and age, technology is a key component to most businesses. Besides the heavy equipment involved in manufacturing like printers, presses, and power tools, you need IT infrastructure to connect the equipment to the network smoothly. It’s no surprise that most manufacturing is now done via computers, as opposed to manually. In order for this to work, the equipment needs to be able to connect to the computer with the correct software. It also needs to be able to connect to the engineers’ and designers’ computers to access the CAD and template plans. It should also be able to connect to customer service to know how many products need to be made. For this connection to work and flow in an efficient manner, you need a strong IT network and infrastructure.

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